Ovako to install a hydrogen ready rebuilt furnace powered by an oxyfuel mixture
The new furnace powered by an oxyfuel mixture of oxygen and propane for environmentally friendly steel heating at Ovako's rolling mill in Boxholm Image: Ovako
Swedish company Ovako, a leading Nordic manufacturer of speciality long steel products, has converted the steel reheating furnace in the Swedish Boxholm rolling mill from oil to an environmentally friendly process. The new furnace is now powered by an oxyfuel mixture of oxygen and propane.
According to Ovako, the swedish company has passed yet another important milestone on its journey toward a more sustainable steel-making future. The furnace at its Boxholm facility in Sweden that heats steel to rolling temperature was rebuilt, enabling the fuel to be switched from oil to operation with a more environmentally friendly fuel. The new furnace is now powered by an oxyfuel mixture of oxygen and propane. This change from oil not only reduces carbon emissions but also halves the energy consumption. The switch to this new fuel will also enable a future transition from propane to fossil free hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water, making the process even more environmentally compatible – a goal that Ovako aims to achieve for all of its furnaces. The 5 million Euro investment is part of Ovako’s long-term strategy to reduce its climate footprint and create a sustainable steel industry for future generations. Source: Ovako