With the help of new automation systems at its stainless steel long products plant in Sheffield, UK, Italian steel company Marcegaglia aims to increase productivity from 250,000 tons to 500,000 tons per year.23.12.2024
While astronauts have a beautiful view of our planet, they also perform numerous experiments and studies that contribute to sustainable innovation. The European Space Agency (ESA) and Tata Steel Nederland (TSN) conduct joint experiments on the International Space Station (ISS) to gain knowledge of the thermo-physical properties of steel during casting.23.12.2024
The Familie Weiss Foundation, sole owner of SMS group, has ushered in a new generation in its top management. Heinrich Weiss, until now the sole director on the foundation’s Board, has handed over the reins to the next generation in the family.19.12.2024
Swedish steelmaker SSAB is granted SEK 1.45 billion ($133 million) in the framework of the Just Transition Fund, an EU fund that in Sweden includes support to the transition of the steel industry in Norrbotten. The funding will contribute to the transformation to fossil-free steel production of SSAB’s operations in Luleå.17.12.2024
The automated cutting machine for steel scrap is located at steel producer Ovako Imatra in Imatra, Finland. The innovative solution promises more efficient scrap processing with reduced dust and noise emissions.16.12.2024
Max Planck scientists design a process that merges metal extraction, alloying and processing into one single, eco-friendly step. Their results are now published in the journal Nature.12.12.2024
Scandinavian Steel AB, a leading distributor of metals and GreenIron have signed a collaboration agreement. Under the agreement, Scandinavian Steel will become the exclusive distributor of GreenIron’s fossil-free iron, produced in Sandviken, Sweden.11.12.2024
Grenzebach BSH GmbH has announced that the start of assembly of the smelter pilot plant at Thyssenkrupp Steel in Duisburg, originally planned for December 2024, will have to be postponed until 2025 due to outstanding building permits. The engineering and building planning work is currently underway. Assembly is currently expected to begin in the summer of 2025.11.12.2024
The four Indian metal trade fairs wire India, Tube India, METEC India and India Essen Welding & Cutting can look back on three successful trade fair days at the Bombay Exhibition Centre.10.12.2024
The plant manufacturer Tenova and the tube manufacturer DMV aims to reduce emissions in steel production by recovering and reusing hydrogen in the bright annealing process.