

worldsteel, Brussels

Regional Champions for the 10th steelChallenge

The Regional Championship took place online for a 24-hour period on 20 January 2016. This year’s steelChallenge attracted 1 099 participants representing 42 countries. The tenth edition was the most engaging challenge ever with over 65% of participants registering a successful run. There were 34 073 attempts with the electric arc furnace steelmaking simulation with 724 people successfully completing at least one run of the simulation and a total of 7 824 successful runs completed.

The new Regional Champions in the ‘Industry’ and ‘Student’ categories will be invited with expenses paid to compete for the title of World Champion in London in April 2016. The award ceremony will be held in the presence of leaders of the global steel industry. All Regional Champions will be awarded certificates, cash prizes and an iPad in addition to their trip. The World Champions in both categories will also be awarded a World Champion certificate, an additional cash prize and the steelChallenge trophy.

The Regional Champions are:

Student Category

  • North and South America, Ruy Jose Feijo Alves, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil

  • Europe/CIS/Africa/Middle East, Daniel Mendonca Francioli, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany

  • Asia and Oceania, Dozen SHU, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, China

  • China, Moxuan LI, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, China

Best Runner-Up

  • Sunqing XIAO, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, China

Industry Category

  • North and South America, Marcos Daniel Gouveia Filho, Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém (CSP), Brazil

  • Europe/CIS/Africa/Middle East, Joseba Garcia Rodriguez, Gerdau S.A., Spain

  • Asia and Oceania, Wonchul Son, Posco, South Korea

  • China, Mingliang LIU, Baosteel Group Corporation, China

Best Runner-Up

  • Seounglok KIM, Posco, South Korea

worldsteel, Brussels