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News from the industry:
Shortage of skilled workers, decarbonization and business news

Dear Sir or Madam,

The Bright World of Metals have successfully come to an end - and the world keeps on turning. So the motto of the hour is still: Keep up with the developments in the industry and stay up to date! That's easy with our monthly newsletter.

In July, we would like to inform you about the following focal points:

• Shortage of skilled workers in the metal industry
• decarbXpo: Trade fair for decarbonisation
• THERMPROCESS news overview

Enjoy reading!

Topic of the Month

Shortage of skilled workers in the metal sector: companies struggle with problems recruiting young talent

Graphic with people and puzzle elements

© Adobe

The metal industry is facing an alarming shortage of skilled workers. Demographic change and a lack of young talent have led to a worrying gap between supply and demand. But there are possible solutions.

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decarbXpo: The trade fair for decarbonisation of Messe Düsseldorf

DecrabXpo 2023
As a central orientation, information and exchange point, decarbXpo is the ideal networking platform for energy-intensive sectors on their way to climate-neutral business in a CO2-free society and industry. With innovations, products and solutions, it helps revolutionise product and value chains.

Our news for you!

Whether monthly thematic highlights, interviews, business or exhibitor news - if you want to be up to date in the thermoprocess technology industry, you should rely on our news section. We will provide you with the latest contributions from the THERMPROCESS world in our monthly newsletter!

• Protection against H₂ embrittlement: Dillinger and Saarland University cooperate for safe pipelines

• Bosch invests in series production of its fuel cell drive system

• Steel tubes with up to 75% CO2 savings from ArcelorMittal and Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group

• Data code on metal components using heat-resistant ceramic ink

• CO2 savings potential of aluminum components through digital twins
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