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THERMPROCESS - 21 to 25 June 2027

News from the industry: GIFA and METEC INDONESIA | ecoMetals in the age of sustainability

Dear Sir or Madam,

This month we would like to inform you about current global developments in the foundry and metal industries. On the one hand, our international trade fairs in emerging markets are generating lively business activity. The trade fair duo GIFA and METEC INDONESIA has just impressed with a wide range of machines, systems and technologies in Jakarta. And on the other hand, developments towards more sustainability are at the center of global attention. Messe Düsseldorf launched the ecoMetals initiative more than a decade ago and is thus making an important contribution to successful developments on the way to a climate-neutral future.

• Review and Preview GIFA and METEC INDONESIA
• Primetals carries out decarbonisation study
• ecoMetals and sustainability
• THERMPROCESS news overview
• The Bright World of Metals on LinkedIn

Enjoy reading!


Review of successful premiere in 2023 and preview 2024

Entrance GIFA and METEC INDONESIA 2023


Messe Düsseldorf celebrated a successful premiere in Jakarta with GIFA and METEC INDONESIA as the new authoritative metallurgy and foundry platforms for Indonesia’s emerging market from September 13 to 16, 2023. About 200 exhibitors from 18 countries and more than 4,900 trade visitors from all sectors of the foundry and metallurgical industries took part in the events at the JIEXPO Convention Center. In addition to local companies, exhibitors from Italy, Sweden, the U.S., and Germany, among others, also came to Indonesia.

The dates for GIFA and METEC INDONESIA 2024, again at the JIExpo Convention Centre, have already been set:

11 to 14 September 2024

You can find further information at and

Primetals carries out decarbonisation study

Site for crude steel production


Eisen- und Stahlwerke der China Steel Corporation in Kaohsiung, Taiwan © Primetals Technologies

In August 2023, Primetals Technologies received an order from China Steel Corporation (CSC) to carry out a study for decarbonisation. The focus of this study is on reducing the carbon emissions at the Kaohsiung site in Taiwan.

The global trend towards sustainability

Green metal industries in focus

All over the world, all sectors and industries are looking for ways to achieve a transformation towards climate neutrality. The metal industry is also in the spotlight and must find solutions to become more sustainable. At Bright World of Metals, the exhibiting companies and specialist conferences focused on technologies and solutions for decarbonization, sustainability, energy and resource efficiency in the sense of a circular economy across all stages of the value chain.

Messe Düsseldorf has been supporting this trend since 2011 with its ecoMetals initiative and provides a platform that supports and highlights urgent developments to make energy-intensive industries more sustainable. Exhibiting companies that invest in innovative, sustainable and economically competitive technologies are promoted at Bright World of Metals in Düsseldorf, for example. With these measures, the contemporary, ecological developments of the foundry and metalworking industries reach international trade visitors, decision-makers and experts in a targeted manner.

With these measures, the trade fair quartet is also a world leader in terms of sustainability and a climate-neutral future.


Our news for you!

Whether monthly thematic highlights, interviews, business or exhibitor news - if you want to be up to date in the thermoprocess technology industry, you should rely on our news section. We will provide you with the latest contributions from the THERMPROCESS world in our monthly newsletter!

• LOI Thermprocess receives order for heat treatment lines by Boawu Group

• Primetals unveils Artificial Intelligence to minimize downtime

• Klöckner & Co Acquires U.S. Metal Component Manufacturer

• Feralpi Stahl publishes annual environmental statement

• thyssenkrupp Steel Inaugurates Cutting-Edge 2-Stand Reversing Cold Mill

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